Industry NewsRegional News

Our Letter to the Editor: GF Herald

By July 12, 2015 No Comments

Today’s Grand Forks Herald features a letter to the editor from Grand Sky Development, highlighting appreciation, progress and plans. Some excerpts:

“A recent Herald editorial offered well-deserved praise for the many people who have invested their time, effort and reputations to nurture and guide the Grand Sky project in Grand Forks, as well as support the entire Unmanned Aerial Systems industry that is anchored in the Grand Forks region.

The Grand Sky Development team echoes this praise and wishes to emphasize the enormous amount of dedicated effort that was necessary to build the vision into reality.

In July 2011, at a conference in Norfolk, Va., the first conversations occurred regarding how the community could best engage Grand Forks Air Force Base to support the UAS mission that was beginning to grow.

Four years later, almost to the day, Grand Sky Development Co. is about to commence the first of many construction projects that will bring the nation’s first UAS business and aviation park to life. In the coming days, construction of the security fence and gates that will enable Grand Sky to operate will begin.

Therefore, it is with gratitude and appreciation that the members of Grand Sky Development Company extend our thanks to the current and former members of the Base Realignment Impact Committee, Grand Forks Region Economic Development Corp., The Chamber, UND, Northland Community and Technical College, U.S. Air Force, Grand Forks County Commission and the North Dakota governor’s office, Legislature, commerce department and congressional delegation for their persistence, support, investment and friendship.We are honored to be part of the team that will begin building much more than a fence.”

Read the entire letter to the editor.